Episode 7 - The Murder of Denise O'Neill & The Survival Story of Charlie Nash

In this episode, Erika covers the devastating murder of Denise O'Neill. In July of 1995, Palm Beach resident, Denise O'Neill, was viciously abducted and murdered. Her neighbor, Luis Caballero displayed odd behavior to the press covering Denise's case.

Erika pulled her sources from:
Supreme Court of Florida - court documents
The Palm Beach Post
Forensic Files - Season 13, Episode 29 "Pet Rock"

Then Amber covers the amazing survival story of Charlie Nash. In 2009, 55 year old Charlie Nash was violently attacked by her friend's pet chimpanzee, Travis who weighed just over 200 pounds.

Amber pulled her sources from:
Charlie Nash Interview - 60 Minutes Australia
Charlie Nash Interview - Oprah Winfrey


Episode 8 - The Abduction of Abby Hernandez & The Cocoanut Grove Fire


Episode 6 - The Horrific Crimes of Daniel LaPlante & The Costa Concordia Disaster