Episode 67 - Corpsewood Manor & The Shooting at Norristown State Mental hospital

In this week’s episode Erika covers the murders of Dr. Charles Scudder and Joseph Odom. They both wanted a simpler life away from the hustle and bustle. So when they found an eerily but beautiful 40,000-acre piece of land, they knew it would be perfect for their dream home. By hand they built the two-story mini castle and give it the name of Corpsewood Manor. They would also build a “pink room”, dabble in the Church of Satan, have Beezlebub and Arsinath as protectors and a fond love for LSD and homemade wine. Curious, well listen in to hear all the details of Corpsewood Manor and the tragic deaths of Dr. Scudder and Joseph Odom.

Erika was drinking a white wine from Eufloria - a little on the sweet side but very yummy. I found that if you add a little seltzer water to it, it is rather yummy and cuts down the sweet just enough.

Erika pulled her sources from:
www.dailymail.co.uk / Miranda Aldersley / February 6, 2019

www.chattanoogan.com / Jerry Summer / Jerry Summers:Corpsewood Manor Murders / Nov. 10, 2020


www.allthatisinteresting.com / Gina Dimuro / The Corpsewood Manor Murders: A Story of Satanism, Sex Parties, and Slaughter / June 27, 2020

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Then Amber covers the Norristown State Mental Hospital shooting. Maria worked as a head nurse at Norristown Mental Hospital. It was here, where Denis Czajowski, who was also a nurse, was terminated after displaying some problematic behaviors.  Maria had no idea that Denis losing his job would jeopardize her life.

Amber was drinking a Merlot by Quinton Estates - She has had this one before, and really likes it.

Amber pulled her sources from:
www.buffalonews.com  / “Fired Nurse Kills Hostage; Another Shot" / 6-18-99

www.apnews.com / “PA Nurse Convicted in Killing" / Mary Claire Dale / 5-16-2002

www.washingtonpost.com / “Two Nurses Shot During Standoff" / Debbie Goldberg / 6-19-99

I Survived / "Maria/Jerry/Melissa" / Season 1 / Episode 9

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Episode 68 - The Survival Story of Jessica Frank Vega & The West Gate Bridge Collapse


Episode 66 - The Killings of Christian Fuhr & Wild & Tragic Parties in History