Episode 103 - Death of a Kinkster & The Max Headroom Incident

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This week Amber is joined once again by her cousin, Jeremy. Most of you know him by his professional name, Paul Abner. Paul is the creator of the music on this podcast as well at the founder and front man of Amber's band Tin Foil Top Hat, the drummer in Yet Set Go and the owner of 8th direction records. You can check out Paul's work through the links below:

This week, Jeremy covers the death of a kinkster. Tank Hafertepen and his partner Dylan, ran a popular blog about their relationship, but after Tank’s death from testicular silicone injections, many believed that Dylan should be held responsible.

Jeremy pulled his sources from:
www.buzzfeednews.com “When A Blogger Died From Silicone Genital Injections, His Fans Blamed His Partner,” Katie Notopoulos & Blake Montgomery, 11-15-2018

www.thestranger.com “Death of a Kinster,” Daniel Villarreal, 11-5-2018


 www.nypost.com “Man dies after injecting silicone in genitals, mom blames sex ‘cult’ master,” Alexandra Klausner, 11-7-2018

 www.thedailybeast.com “Boyfriends Sued Over Man’s Death From Silicone Genital Injections,” Blake Montgomery, 10-8-2019

 www.vice.com “When Does BDSM Become Abuse?,” Steven Blum 11-16-2018



www.queerty.com “ 

The strange, sad tale of a man who died from having silicone injected into his genitals,” Daniel Villarreal, 11-6-2018


www.legacy.com “Tank Heathcliff Hafertepen”


 Talk about abuse with your friends and family. It can be hard to recognize even when it’s happening to you, but the Center for Relationship Abuse Awareness has a good checklist of warning signs. If you or someone you know is scared to leave a relationship, if threats or coercion continues after you’ve withdrawn consent, if your partner isolates you from your support network, check in with a friend. Make a plan. Get help.

 Then Amber covers the Max Headroom incident. The signal hijacking occurred on the night of November 22, 1987, when the television signals of two stations in Chicago, Illinois were hijacked, briefly sending a pirate broadcast of an unidentified person wearing a Max Headroom mask and costume to thousands of home viewers.
 Amber pulled her sources from:
 Podcast – Stuff You Should Know “The Max Headroom Incident,” 6-5-2018


www.allthatsinteresting.com , “The Story of the Max Headroom Incident, America’s Creepiest Unsolved TV Hack,” Katie Serena, 5-25-2021

www.wbur.org, “Encore: the Max Headroom Incident – Revisiting The Masked Mystery,” Amory Siverston & Ben Brock Johnson, 1-7-2022

www.cybernews.com, “Unsolved Hijacking: The Max Headroom Incident,” Villius Petkauskas, 11-22-2021

Jeremy was drinking Dante Pinot Noir, from the Mich

Photo credits:
www.gay star news.com
www.rolling stone.com


Episode 104 - The Murder of Mary Collins & The Disappearance of Misty Copsey


Episode 102 - The Murder of Ruthie Mae McCoy & Goat Man